Vita Liver
- Exclusive Tri LiverPro™ Liver Health Triangle.
- Contains 5 unique Chinese and Western liver-protecting ingredients.
- 天然複方健肝草本 : 五味子, 丹參, 雲芝
- For individuals who are concerned about liver health, have poor liver function, or have high liver fat.
- For individuals with busy lifestyles, staying up late for work, insufficient sleep, frequent social gatherings, excessive smoking and drinking, poor dietary habits, and long-term medication use.
- Maintenance: Take 2 capsules once daily.
- Enhanced Repair: Take 2 capsules twice daily.
- For children aged 6-12, it is recommended to take half of the adult dosage.
- 五味子 : 補益肝臟、加強解毒、紓緩疲勞
- 丹參 : 清肝排毒、減少肝脂積存
- 雲芝 : 對抗頑症、提升免疫力
- Vital PL™肝臟磷脂 : 含強化修復受損肝臟細胞膜
- 天然維他命E : 抗氧化維持肝臟機能,加強對抗酒精能力
Why Choose Vita Liver?
Gloomy Face